The article was about your that will be able to know when you are using your phone or when you are failing asleep.Also it will tell you to put your phone down or to pull over so you can take a rest and not get into a accident.The cars will have like this motion to detect when you are getting distracted or you are fatigue.General Motor is like adopting the technology that is going to track your eyes and also your movements.Their is also s bad side to this because since cars be more self aware their is going to be more privacy issues.I thinks that privacy is worth giving up in order to make the roads safer because there will not be as much accidents because people will not be using their phones and they will not be like tired.Also since the cars be more like aware there won't be much of accidents or people dying.The police would see all this data by the car that it would send to the police if the driver was doing something bad.I also say that the car should only say something when people are drinking,failing asleep and texting but not when they are talking on the phone.